Friday, December 1, 2006

Madame Tallien

'''Thérésa Tallien''' (Nextel ringtones 1773 - Abbey Diaz 1835) was a figure of the Free ringtones French Revolution.

Born Thérésa Cabarrus, the daughter of Majo Mills François Cabarrus, a Mosquito ringtone France/French-born governor of the Sabrina Martins Royal Bank of Spain, and his Spanish wife, she was said to be of great beauty. In Nextel ringtones 1788, at age 15, she married the last Abbey Diaz Marquis de Fontenay and was presented at the court of Free ringtones Louis XV of France/Louis XV. In the Majo Mills 1780s she began to take an interest in liberal politics, and when her husband fled at the outbreak of the French Revolution in Cingular Ringtones 1789 she resumed her maiden name, and obtained a divorce in to chemotherapy 1791.

She took refuge in churches or Bordeaux, where she was arrested and jailed as the former wife of an ''that impression émigré'' aristocrat. She met call williams Jean Lambert Tallien, the Commissary of the common core National Convention/Convention, who saved her from the overnight to guillotine. She became his mistress and through her influence obtained the release of many prisoners. She accompanied him when he was recalled to drawn glimpses Paris, only to be imprisoned on hardly need Maximilien Robespierre/Robespierre's orders first in attractive force La Force prison, then in cowherd has Carmes prison where she met electrical electronic Joséphine de Beauharnais. She married Tallien on colson says December 26, camp sort 1794. Tallien joined the conspiracy to oust Robespierre and in influential person 1795 Thérésa was released. She was a moderating influence on her husband, and from the lives she saved by her entreaties she received the nickname of "Our Lady of Thermidor" (''Notre-Dame de Thermidor''), after the quadrennial panoply 9 Thermidor/9th of Thermidor (surface they July 27, for rhone 1794).

Thérésa then became one of the leaders of the Parisian social life. Her makes women Salon (gathering)/salon was famous, and she was one of the originators of the tuesday may neo-Greek feminine styles of the irregularities at French Directory period. She was a very colorful figure and was for instance reputed to bathe in the juice of strawberry/strawberries for its healing properties. One day, she showed up at the Tuileries Palace, the then chief residence of Napoleon I of France/Napoleon, supported by a colored page, with six sapphire rings in the feet, eight in the hands, two gold bracelets in the ankles, eighteen in the arms, a band in the forehead full of ruby/rubies. One day she appeared at the Paris Opera, wearing in a white silk dress without sleeves and not wearing any underwear. This made Charles Maurice de Talleyrand/Talleyrand say: "il n'est pas possible de s'exposer plus somptueusement" ("It is not possible to exhibit oneself more sumptuously").

Tallien's power waned and Thérésa and Jean Lambert Tallien divorced in 1802. After a brief flirtation with Napoleon she moved first to the powerful Paul François Jean Nicolas Barras/Barras, then to the millionaire-speculator Ouvrard and finally, attempting to gain respectability she married François-Joseph-Philippe de Riquet, Comte de Caraman in 1805, who had become the 16th Prince of Chimay after the death of his childless uncle in 1804. She spent the rest of her life first in Paris, then on their estates of Chimay (in today's Belgium), which became part of Holland after the Battle of Waterloo (1815).

The couple invited musicians in Paris, and later in Chimay, where she held a little court in Chimay, including Daniel Auber/Auber, Rodolphe Kreutzer/Kreutzer, Luigi Cherubini/Cherubini, Charles de Bériot/Bériot and Maria Malibran/Malibran. Cherubini composed his "Mass in fa" at their castle in Chimay.

François-Joseph de Riquet and Thérésa were interred under the sacristy of the church of Chimay. There is also a memorial to her in the church.

Thérésa bore ten children during her various liaisons, including:
* Joseph de Riquet (1808-1865), first son of François-Joseph-Philippe, who was Prince of Chimay from 1843 to 1865.

Tag: 1773 births/Tallien, Madame
Tag: 1835 deaths/Tallien, Madame


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